Cannabis News

Has Marijuana Become A Political Football

July 26, 2024

The Fresh Toast Read More  [[{“value”:”Has Marijuana Become A Political Football With the vast amount of voters in support of rescheduling, has marijuana become a political football to influence voters? The post Has Marijuana Become A Political Football appeared first on The Fresh Toast.“}]]

Take These Car Cocktails For A Spin

July 26, 2024

The Fresh Toast Read More  [[{“value”:” Take These Car Cocktails For A Spin Take these car cocktails for a spin. These classic auto drinks will put you on the on ramp for fun!  The post Take These Car Cocktails For A Spin appeared first on The Fresh Toast. “}]]

The Best Tips For Beating The Heat In Las Vegas

July 26, 2024

The Fresh Toast Read More  [[{“value”:” The Best Tips For Beating The Heat In Las Vegas Record breaking temperatures shouldn’t stop you from fun. Here are the best tips for beating the heat in Las Vegas. The post The Best Tips For Beating The Heat In Las Vegas appeared first on The Fresh Toast. “}]]

Marijuana Helps People Reduce Opioid Use And Manage Withdrawal Symptoms, New Federally Funded Study Finds

July 26, 2024

Science & Health Archives – Marijuana Moment Read More  [[{“value”:” Marijuana helps people with substance misuse disorders stay off opioids or reduce their use, maintain treatment and manage withdrawal symptoms, a new federally funded study finds. Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) set out to investigate the relationship between cannabis consumption and injecting […]

Are Women More Sensitive To THC

July 25, 2024

The Fresh Toast Read More  [[{“value”:” Are Women More Sensitive To THC Cannabis is now mainstream for both recreational and medical..the question is are women more sensitive to THC. The post Are Women More Sensitive To THC appeared first on The Fresh Toast. “}]]

Pot prohibition costs Florida at least $200 million per year

July 25, 2024

Leafly Read More  [[{“value”:” Floridians get to free the weed at the ballot box Nov. 5. What’s at stake? Scores of weed arrests, and at least $200 million per year in tax revenue for a massive, newly legal economy.  Also, tens of millions of dollars more in criminal justice savings from fewer arrests, and prison […]

Are you 21 years of age or older or 18+ with a valid medical ID?

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